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Sunday Service each week at 10.30am with groups for the children and
young people.

There is a Prayer Meeting at 10.15am in the Boulevard Room every week
before the Sunday Service All welcome.

For those who would like to receive prayer, there will be two people after
the Sunday Service at the front of the church offering prayer. Also,
requests for prayer can be written on the cards provided and put in the
box in the Welcome Hall.

Shalom Fellowship—Sunday 1st December & 5th January — 2.30pm
Toddler Group—Mondays – 2nd, 9th, 16th December & 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th

Renew Wellbeing Café—Thursdays—5th, 12th, 19th December & 2nd, 9th,
16th, 23rd, 30th January—1.30pm—4.00pm

Reflective Prayer Meeting—Thursdays—5th & 19th December & 2nd, 16th,
30th January 11am-12noon

Advent coin collection—December 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd
Nativity & Youth Service—Sunday 15th December

Christmas Social with Carols—Saturday 21st December

Christmas Day Service—25th December at 10.30am

Deacons Meeting– Wednesday 8th January at 7.00pm



1) Prayer for the Holy Spirit to open our hearts and minds to hear the voice of God in our daily lives.

2) Prayer for those who have lost their way in life and long to be rescued and loved back to wholeness.

3) Prayer for the spirit of love and forgiveness and justice to permeate the social and political fabric of our world.

4) Prayer for church leaders who are giving time and effort in service as they follow Christ Jesus, so that in all activity His will be done.